5 IN 5 - WK 02 (18th Jan)

5 top trends, insights and news stories from the events industry in 5 minutes!

This week I have a jam-packed episode where I introduce the new ClubHouse App and give you the inside run, news about the APPG’s recent meet (all-party parliamentary group), we launch the fifth season of www.elevateme.co which goes live today, and I break the news of several confirmed and likely event cancellations. But, on a more positive note, not forgetting our industry spotlight on James and the team @BrewDog, it is one not to miss!

👉 https://appgevents.inparliament.uk/

👉 https://www.standard.co.uk/insider/clubhouse-app-what-it-is-how-to-join-b899746.html



👉 https://www.imex-frankfurt.com/imex-2020-cancellation

👉 https://au.sports.yahoo.com/australian-open-2021-fresh-virus-drama-calls-cant-go-ahead-235947642.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAC3HfudFfUcrHU6odwLxLhlLGHGgb3f_PhceA2UXUu_hbeS18ol7EYY0u_--zt_XCAGauik6D84O-xwq8DbkOgnK-jQnLccAko7OcioRJbQUULI_bwi-2ATCC8P_ZklVAlbngwUU4gHuWHYgNeubQ9s-DBLunw8hwZNjvboEWfln

👉 https://www.beveragedaily.com/Article/2021/01/04/BrewDog-offers-bars-and-pubs-as-COVID-19-vaccination-centres


5 IN 5 - WK 05 (1st February)


5 IN 5 - WK 51 (14th December)